How to Study the Bible INTRO
READING AND HEARING THE WORD OF GOD The Bible is a great resource to give us wisdom in our daily…
Pentecostal Church
Pentecostal Church
Let us know how we can help you or come and visit us.
Kounicova 271 / 13, Brno (In courtyard opposite Continental Hotel)
Our regular services are:
Sunday at 11:00 and 18:00
Wednesday at 19:00.
Giving to The Potter’s House Brno 94 1555 3003 / 5500
IBAN CZ51 5500 0000 0094 1555 3003
Every Church needs ministries to serve the different needs in the Church. We have at this moment a Children Church and a Nursery for the very small children during our Church Services. And a Worship team that is leading the song service in our Church.
Every Sunday morning at 11:00 hours.
All our activities are focused to reach out to people. We believe that the Gospel is for everyone that wants to hear. We have seen how Jesus have changed people from all classes, cultures and countries. We hope that these events will help you to find a purpose in your life.
The Church is now under the leadership of Pastor Bart Kooijker. But in the future we will have more ministries that will help the Church to grow and develop.
Bart and Wilma are pastoring since November 1982. They started to pioneer in Arnhem the Netherlands and have since then worked as a pastor couple in 6 different churches.
Articles that will give us more information about events and about our faith.
READING AND HEARING THE WORD OF GOD The Bible is a great resource to give us wisdom in our daily…